
Social Media Monitoring Tools

Social media has become much more than a way to stay connected and to have fun: it is a way to market yourself, your business, your products and services.

By establishing a presence in social media, you give yourself virtually unlimited exposure to relevant people without encountering any significant cost issues. While this is good, it can be hard to track how you are performing across the wide spectrum of the Internet.

With powerful tools you can judge the effectiveness of your social media efforts and keep track of what people are saying about you. Here are 10 Social Media Tools to monitor your brand’s performance and results across multiple social media sites.  Our team at SpreadabeIdeas can provide you with the best solution and implemenation strategy to maximize your ROI.   Contact us at socialmedia@spreadableideas.com


A dashboard program that monitors Twitter, Twazzup will tell you every time your keywords are mentioned in a tweet. It will also categorize your results by link popularity, contributors, tagging clouds and users. Unique features like avatar mouse-overs that give more details about that user’s relevant tweets make Twazzup a surprisingly powerful and valuable social media monitoring tool.


Here’s a nice tool that has a marketing emphasis, showing stats for feedback on your products and reader statistics. Buzzlogic sports tools intended to help you build more powerful and influential relationships and to track competing products. Buzzlogic is a proprietary conversational Advertising utility that all social marketers should try.


While some social media monitoring tools can get quite complicated to use, Scoutlabs uses a simple, user-friendly interface that delivers very powerful information to social marketers that can help them track the performance of their brands. One unique feature allows users to superposition graphs to help analyze trends in accumulated data. The dashboard is easy to setup and features a composite Buzz rating that helps you check your results at a glance. Special categories for online sentiment, mentions, and quotes help you drill down to give you an in-depth understanding of your data.


One way to monitor your performance in social media is by using an integrated browser client that will show you every time your target phrases are mentioned. Tweetdeck unifies Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, and MySpace to give you a convenient way to use and monitor social media. What’s nice is that when your keywords are referenced, you have an easy way to quickly respond without having to leave the program.

Reputation Defender

Created for the specific purpose of helping you preserve and restore your reputation in social media, Reputation Defender offers a robust monitoring service that will help you keep track of your children, your privacy, and your brand. A feature called MyEdge helps you deal with the results that Google serves up about you.
Reputation Defender


This is a tracker that will show user-defined statistics for your keywords over a thirty day period. It is a free program, but it doesn’t allow for storing historical data or some other premium features most pay monitoring sites offer. There is a convenient display that shows every relevant hashtag, post ranking, source, user, and keyword.


This mid-level priced service is a powerful monitoring tool that is known for having top reporting features and an automated sentiment feature. Special tools for marketing, agencies, PR and reputation, and brand management make this an indispensible tool for monitoring your performance in social media.


radian6 features an incredible Engagement console that lets you listen, engage, and plan in one handy desktop application. Monitor the performance of all your brands, services, and keywords across every social network platform simultaneously. This is the powerful solution that will propel your business to the next level. For example, radian6 does not limit itself to the major social media platforms: it extends performance searching to include blogs, forums, photo and video sites, comments, and millions of other sites on the Web. radian6 aggregates data from all across the Internet, filters and segments it, and reports and charts it for you based on a host of user definable and selectable metrics.

Alterian SM2

With marketing agencies in mind when SM2 was designed, you get relevant performance data from social media platforms that helps you make the most out of your marketing time and money. Find out who’s happy and who’s mad about you, your company, and your products. Gauge the effectiveness of your social media marketing and use the information to design your next campaign. Special features of SM2 include a custom workflow tool, language and geographic filters, as well real time alerts. Try the free version or pay by the volume of results.
Alterian SM2


Addict-o-matic gathers information about your keywords or brands from across the Web, including Flickr, YouTube, Digg, Google Blogs, as well as all the traditional social media platforms. When you visit the Addict-o-matic Web page, you get to instantly create a page that shows all the relevant information to your search terms from up to twenty five content providers and aggregators. This one tool gives you comprehensive information that will be invaluable for monitoring your performance in social media.

Feel free to contact us with any questions you may have regarding any of thise social media tools. 
Contct Us Today!
You may also email us at socialmedia@spreadableideas.com

Published by: WebDesignBooth.com


  1. You might also want to check out @beevolve (http://www.beevolve.com). Its a relatively new Social Media Monitoring and Engagement platform used by Fortune 2000 brands as well as SMEs.


  2. Great round up here of platforms. Thanks so much for including us.

    Trish (@Dayngr)
    Community Manager | Radian6

  3. Thanks for the links towards social media and other analytics software's. I happen to use google analytics as a standard but I am availing of dedrio, a cross platform / social media analytics tool.

  4. Great Information about social media tools and hope its very helpful for freshers and experienced person to make the presence on social media platforms. In India and whole world most of the educated person wants one unique identity on social media. But main things is how we can manage our different social accounts in single time so that reason its very nice article. But as well as i would like to share info about LexisNexis BIS India its also very big brand that provides Social media monitoring tools that helps you to understand how to manage your social media accounts with-in single time.


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