
Social Media Marketing Defined: Don't be left behind...

In today's "social media", "social networking", "wireless media" environment, it is not enough to have a company brochure or flyer, consumers want to engage with you, your product and your service; and the point of engagement can be on their computer at work, on their laptop while having coffee at Starbucks or on their mobile device while they are waiting at a doctors office. 

Social networking sites have exploded in popularity in recent years, transforming the way businesses and consumers communicate with one another over the Internet. Every day, companies utilize social networking sites, blogs, videos, podcasts and more to connect with hundreds of millions of online consumers.

SpreadableIdeas specializes in helping companies adopt and deploy innovative social media strategies for the purpose of popularizing their brands, building outstanding reputations, and developing long-lasting relationships with customers and prospects.

What is Social media marketing? it is a recent addition to organizations’ integrated marketing communications plans. Integrated marketing communications is a practice organizations follow to connect with their target markets. Integrated marketing communications coordinates promotional elements: advertising, personal selling, public relations, publicity, direct marketing and sales promotion.  Increasingly, viral marketing campaigns are also grouped into integrated marketing communications. In the traditional marketing communications model, the content, frequency, timing, and medium of communications by the organization is in collaboration with an external agent, i.e. advertising agencies, marketing research firms and public relations firms.  However, the growth of social media has impacted the way organizations communicate. With the emergence of Web 2.0, the internet provides a set of tools that allow people to build social and business connections, share information and collaborate on projects online

Social media marketing programs usually center on efforts to create content that attracts attention and encourages readers to share it with their social networks. A corporate message spreads from user to user and presumably resonates because it is coming from a trusted, third-party source, as opposed to the brand or company itself.
Social media has become a platform that is easily accessible to anyone with internet access. Increased communication for organizations fosters brand awareness and often, improved customer service. Additionally, social media serves as a relatively inexpensive platform for organizations to implement marketing campaigns. With emergence of channels like Twitter, the barrier to entry in social media is greatly reduced. (Courtesy:  wikipedia)

We guarantee to be there along the way to help.
Contact us today for a free evaluation:  webstudio@spreadableideas.com


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