Make Millions and Make Change

Make Millions and Make Change is your essential guide to business and personal success. It’s a book about succeeding in small business so we can better serve society. While the title of this book may sound like a get-rich-quick scheme, the methods that are shared get real people rich in the real world, even during the most difficult economic times. Building your brand into a sustainable business is an immense challenge, especially in a down economy. In this straightforward guide, author Mike Mann has documented his high growth theory for small businesses. Make Millions and Make Change! is a living text that includes business “Best Practices” and methodologies intended to empower, educate, and motivate you to step into your industry of choice, make your own millions, and then give back to society in a meaningful way. Mike explains in clear language how to proactively thrive in a competitive market and build your brand into a winning business. With an emphasis on modern marketing and technology, this guide offers many excellent ideas for success in business and life.

Make Millions and Make Change!: Secrets to Business and Personal SuccessAbout the Author:  Social activist and serial entrepreneur Mike Mann has been proactively involved with the Internet since 1994. At that time, Mike founded and ran the ISP and web developer, Internet Interstate, until he sold the company to Verio in 1997. Mike then founded the world’s largest secondary market for domain names,, which is now called NameMedia. In 2005, he sold the majority of his interest in and the search engine portal to Highland Capital Partners and Summit Venture Partners. Mike is also founder of several active, successful, for-profit corporations including,,, Yield Software, BrowserMedia, and others. In many cases, his companies exchange resources, talent, and technologies in their never-ending quest to deliver innovative, profitable digital products and services. To perpetuate his interest in charitable works, Mike is the chairman and founder of (501c3), a global network that provides free services to nonprofits and promotes social action. Mike and his team also manage Make Change! Trust, a charitable fund that supports select 501c3 charitable organizations. Spreadablieideas Domains



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